Hemorrhoids cream
Hemorrhoid cream, formulated with argan oil and mugwort, offers effective, natural symptom relief. Enriched with these soothing ingredients, it helps reduce inflammation and promote healing.
This anti crack cream, whose moisturizing and bacteriostatic composition effectively treats the cracks of the fingers and toes, accelerates the natural healing of cracks occuring due to breastfeeding so as to relieve young mothers. Crevices refer to nicks in the skin that are accompanied by redness and irritation, most commonly affecting hands during periods of cold during breastfeeding.
This anti crack cream, whose moisturizing and bacteriostatic composition effectively treats the cracks of the fingers and toes, accelerates the natural healing of cracks occuring due to breastfeeding so as to relieve young mothers. Crevices refer to nicks in the skin that are accompanied by redness and irritation, most commonly affecting hands during periods of cold, or nipples during breastfeeding.
This lemon-based crack cream soothes these irritations and relieves the pain that results. It calms and protects dry skin, while isolating and soothing the cracks in it. Also, this cream keeps its elasticity; a moisturizing barrier that slows the evaporation of water under the skin and facilitates oxygenation.
For the method of use, it is recommended to generously coat the cream nipple against the crevices and leave it react in open air for few minutes. For hands, it is advisable to do the same by avoiding touching detergents or washing products whose chemical composition weakens the skin. For feet, it is enough to apply the cream, evening before sleeping, and to put on old socks to allow the treatment to act in depth.